For once, these men are the objects; I am the subject. Me, me, me.
Rosemary Mac Cabe was always a serial monogamist – never happier than when she was in a relationship or, at the very least, on the way to being in one. But in her desperate search for ‘the one’ – from first love to first lust, through a series of disappointments and the searing sting of heartbreak – she learned that finding love might mean losing herself along the way.
This Is Not About You is a life story in a series of love stories. About Henry, with the big nose and the lovely mum, with whom sex was like having a verruca frozen off in the doctor’s surgery: ‘uncomfortable, but I had entered into this willingly’. About Dan, with the goatee. About Luke, who gave her a split condom. About Frank, who was married…
But mostly, it’s about Rosemary, figuring out just how much she was willing to sacrifice for her happy ending.
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This Is Not About You 9781800182431 Paperback
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- Authors:
- Mac Cabe, Rosemary
- Year Published:
- 2023
- Country of Publication:
- United Kingdom
- Format:
- Paperback
- 9781800182431
- Publication Date:
- 06/07/2023
- Publisher:
- Unbound
- Illustrations Note:
- Illustrations
- Number of Pages:
- 304
- Place of Publication:
- London
- Language:
- English
- SKU:
- 9781800182431